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Date : 2002-09-17
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Lion Tamarins Biology and Conservation Zoo and Aquarium ~ Buy Lion Tamarins Biology and Conservation Zoo and Aquarium Biology and Conservation Series on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders
Lion Tamarins Biology and Conservation 1588340724 ~ Lion Tamarins Biology and Conservation Zoo and Aquarium Biology and Conservation Series Part III focuses on direct interventions to conserve wild populations and their habitats as guided by scientific and educational principles Kleiman and Rylands close the book by noting the remarkable accomplishments of lion tamarin conservation and
Lion Tamarins 9781588340726 Books ~ Part III focuses on direct interventions to conserve wild populations and their habitats as guided by scientific and educational principles Kleiman and Rylands close the book by noting the remarkable accomplishments of lion tamarin conservation and look hopefully toward future directions and challenges Also in Zoo and Aquarium Biology
Lion tamarins biology and conservation Book 2002 ~ ISBN 1588340724 9781588340726 OCLC Number 49493482 Description xxiv 422 pages illustrations 24 cm Contents Foreword Russell A Mittermeier The History and Status of Lion Tamarins A History of Lion Tamarin Research and Conservation Anthony B Rylands Jeremy Mallinson Devra G Kleiman Adelmar F CoimbraFilho Russell A Mittermeier Ibsen de Gusmao Camara Claudio B
Zoo Conservation Biology by John E Fa Cambridge Core ~ Cambridge Core Ecology and Conservation Zoo Conservation Biology by John E Fa
We are sad to share that Smithsonian’s National ~ Golden lion tamarins are endangered and there are approximately 3000 in the wild One third of the tamarins living in the Atlantic coastal forest in Brazil are descended from golden lion tamarins born in zoos and released to the wild including some from the National Zoo
Golden Lion Tamarin Conservation Zoo Atlanta ~ Zoo Atlanta is partnered with the Golden Lion Tamarin Association a Brazilian nongovernmental organization to conserve the tamarins and their habitat in perpetuity Conservation efforts have helped increase the number of golden lion tamarins in the wild to around 3000 This is great news for the tamarins but we still have work to do
Golden lion tamarin Smithsonians National Zoo ~ Following this important meeting the Zoo made a major commitment to the captive breeding and conservation of the golden lion tamarin and launched a longterm investigation into the reproduction social behavior and husbandry of the species in human care
Conservation Buttonwood Park Zoo ~ The Wildlife Education Series is a monthly educational discussion covering a wide range of topics pertaining to Biology Ecology Marine Biology Animal Behavior Veterinary and Conservation Sciences held at the Buttonwood Park Zoo
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