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Date : 2010-07-30
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Henriette Delille Rebellious Saint Elsie Martinez ~ Henriette Delille Rebellious Saint Elsie Martinez Colette Stelly Phyllis Reppel on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Born in 1812 free woman of color Henriette Delille resisted her familys efforts to steer her toward a traditional life as the mistress of a white man Instead she pursued a calling to care for slaves
Henriette Delille Rebellious Saint by Elsie Martinez ~ Born in 1812 free woman of color Henriette Delille resisted her familys efforts to steer her toward a traditional life as the mistress of a white man Instead she pursued a calling to care for slaves the sick and the poor and established a religious community for women of color
Henriette Delille Rebellious Saint by Elsie Martinez ~ Born in 1812 Henriette Delille would pursue a calling to care for slaves the sick and the poor An African American herself she established a religious community for women of color This middlereader historical novel offers a fascinating glimpse into the history and unique culture of
Henriette Delille Rebellious Saint ~ Buy Henriette Delille Rebellious Saint at Beginning in 1812 this fictional biography follows the life of Henriette Delille a free woman of color who founded the Sisters of the Holy Family Henriette Delille Specifications Publisher Pelican Publishing Company
Henriette Delille rebellious saint Book 2010 ~ Get this from a library Henriette Delille rebellious saint Elsie Martinez Colette H Stelly Phyllis Reppel Beginning in 1812 this fictional biography follows the life of Henriette Delille a free woman of color who founded the Sisters of the Holy Family
Henriette Delille Rebellious Saint Interlude ~ Henriette Delille Rebellious Saint I was privileged to meet authors Colette Stelly and Elsie Martinez at a writers retreat in Louisiana last year when they were polishing their fictionalized biography of Henriette Delille published by Pelican Publishing and released this month
The first real New Orleans saint Henriette Delilles path ~ Henriette Delille was a remarkably courageous woman who through her compassionate care for the poor the enslaved and the uneducated left a legacy of love and service in the city of New Orleans
Venerable Henriette Delille ~ Twenty years before the Civil War of the United States and before it was legal for such a Congregation to exist the Sisters of the Holy Family were founded in New Orleans Louisiana by Henriette Delille a free woman of color
Henriette DeLille Wikipedia ~ Henriette DeLille continued a life of service to the poor of New Orleans She died in 1862 at the age of 49 during the American Civil War when the city was occupied by Union troops Friends attributed her death to a life of service poverty and hard work At the time of DeLilles death on Sunday November 16 1862 the order had 12 members
Mother Henriette Delille New Orleans Native Declared ~ Mother Henriette Delille’s contribution to the Church in New Orleans and to Black New Orleanians in particular was immense She worked heroically to bring her people to God and to the true Faith Sadly she died at the relatively young age of 52 probably of tuberculosis Venerable Mother Henriette Delille pray for us
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